
Zhengda Mission:
To promote the national industry, produce the super quality steel pipes, satisfy the customer with excellent products and services, promote the quality of social life.
Zheng da Development Vision:
Be the master of super quality.
Zhengda Aim:
Making Zhengda to be approbatory.
Zhengda Spirit:
Be decent man, do great business.
Zhengda Core Value:
Cliff stand highly, as it doesn’t has selfish desire.Broad minded makes one virtuous and the integrity is the most important.
Zhengda Quality Concept:
Ethics and rigorous are the assurance of quality

No.9, Juliang Ave, Cheng'an Industrial Zone, Handan, Hebei
Qian'an Zhengda: North of Shuangma Road, Zhaodianzi Town, Qian'an, Tangshan, Hebei Province
Shanxi Zhengda: Houbei Industrial Park, Houma City, Shanxi Province


ADD:No. 9 Juliang Avenue, Chengan Industrial Zone, Handan City, Hebei Province
Wechat Service Number

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